
Information policy

Disclosure policy of Kesla Oyj

The purpose of this Disclosure Policy is to define the procedures related to communications and other external communicating that Kesla Oyj (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) will follow in investor relations and in financial reporting. The objective of the Disclosure Policy and its procedures is to ensure, among other things, that communications external to the Company, such as stock exchange communications, meet the applicable statutory requirements of the securities market and those of other regulation. The communication procedures also implement the Company’s key communication principles, which are timeliness, simultaneity, continuity and transparency.

The Board of Directors of the Company has approved this Disclosure Policy on 5 March 2020, and it will be updated as necessary.

The Disclosure Policy has taken into account the requirements of applicable laws, other regulations and stock exchange rules. The Managing Director of the Company shall be responsible for the supervision of the Disclosure Policy and for deciding on any deviations under the laws and regulations.

Read about Kesla's disclosure policy (in Finnish) >>>